Date published: 6/11/2018
Date published: 6/11/2018
Watch the sun set at the Crab Shack Dabaso, Mida Creek
Watamu is renowned for the culinary experience, especially the rich seafood. Watamu is dotted with eateries that attract hungry souls like moths to the fire. Among my most memorable visits was to Crab Shack Dabaso, the rusty, enchanting hideout built on stilts and run by Mida Creek Conservation Community. My visits here (twice now) were mainly to taste the famed crab samosa made from crabs reared right on property as some flamingoes, yes, flamingoes sauntered along the creek looking for the blue-green algae. I was not here to look for romance but for those who do, Crab Shack has got the perfect setting. The small eatery, surrounded by a replanted mangrove forest is as romantic as it can get. Watching the sunset while sipping a cold drink with the one you love will leave irreplaceable memories. Remember, the proceeds from Crab Shack go a long way in helping the local community conserve the endangered mangroves.
Crab Samosas at the Crab Shack Restaurant
Snakes, snakes and more snakes! Not the ideal inspiration for your holiday, you may say. Well think about it this way. Okay, think of these options: Where would you rather meet with a snake? Would you prefer a surprise encounter in the wild that can prove fatal or a controlled encounter with the slithering creatures under the watchful eye of trained handlers? Sita Community Snake Farm helped me overcome my fear of snakes. The farm keeps a collection of these creatures for the sake of conserving them. The more people know about these creatures, the more they tolerate them – a snake is not equal to the devil, good people! Actually, I fancied the idea of looking eyeball to eyeball with some of the most poisonous snakes including the black mamba and the spitting cobra – separated by a thick glass of course. As I learned though, not all snakes are poisonous. By the way, there are some snakes you can actually hold in your hand. Visit the Sita snake farm and help carry a giant python from the cage.
A visit to Sita Snake Park
Watamu has one of the best beaches in Africa. Check. It has the best wellness spas too. Check. But I go to restaurants mainly to sample their cuisine, other items are extras. Especially was this true on my visit to Kobe Suite Resort, located on the southern tip of the peninsula. Their dishes, as they say here, are made with love and passion and then served on the best location – a sandy floor that mimics the nearby beach. Is it Piadina or homemade Gnocchi or would you opt for the savory salads with an Italian touch? Kobe has them all. Oh, by the way, the extras are in the house too. I mean the Sacred cranial Massage – a 60 minute technique that works the cranium, neck and shoulders to enable deep relaxation, or that traditional massage that keeps blood flowing to all areas of the body. In any case, this is Kobe, so take things slow.
Interacting with the local community is one of my favorite pastimes whenever I visit a new place. I love taking time off the normal schedule, leave the beaten path and mingle with the locals. I have learnt some of life’s greatest lessons from such endeavors. Well, to get the real vibe of Watamu, get to the not-so-quiet side of life– the main thoroughfare that runs from the Jacaranda Road, down Watamu Beach Road and curving to join Watamu Village Road. On the roadside are traders selling all manner of wares such as sandals, wood and stone carvings, and beach wear among others. Look out for shopping bags made out of discarded cement bags. In true Kenyan style, haggling for the best price is allowed. Those brave enough chop their money at the casino located on the lower end of the road. Come Back Club lures the willing with live music in the evening. It is not called Come Back Club for nothing. While here, watch out for the irresistible kuku choma (roast chicken) served at Chicken Shack just outside the club.
Article by Peter Muiruri